MyPolySet: More Than I Am

Been missing for awhile due to laziness. Haha! But here I am, back with one of my newest creations in Polyvore.

Introducing 'More Than I Am' that features my brand new layout!

More Than I Am

How does the new layout look to you? I spent hours creating it. I support the campaign 'Be Original' that lots of Polyvorians are putting up in their profiles, so in order to show how supportive I am to the campaign and to be more original, I decided to create a new layout that is different and unique than those I've seen made by other Polyvorians. I find that some Polyvorians have almost the same layout styles in their sets, which is okay as long as nobody copies all items from anybody's set to create the exact same set. I find it not surprising why they create sets in almost the same layout styles. Even I, too, am guilty of creating a number of sets with the same layout style as the one created by some of the Polyvorians I admire. What can I say? They are beautiful layouts, you see, and they kinda add charm to the whole sets.

But being a perfectionist that I am, I wanted a layout that no Polyvorian has ever used/created before. A layout that is distinct and completely different and unique than those made by my fellow Polyvorians. I've created one before (remember the signature layout I've talked about before?), but I've grown tired of it. That's why I created another one. I love this new signature layout more than the old one. It gives me a sense of originality and it has more charm than the old one (I think). And I'm perfectly happy with it and am gonna use it in all my sets from now on.

That's all for now.


P/s: Hey, layout is still less important than the outfit right? Don't forget to check out the featured items that make up the outfit, okay?:)